Studium Generale organiseert brede, academische activiteiten, zoals lezingen, symposia, filmvertoningen en debatten. Het programma van Studium Generale is bedoeld voor studenten, medewerkers en alle andere geïnteresseerden. Deze reeks staat in het teken van 'De bom. 75 jaar na Hiroshima en Nagasaki'.
Beyond the Atom Bombs ‘Asia’ in the Asia-Pacific War
Dr. Ethan Mark, Senior University Lecturer Modern Japanese History, Director of the MA program of Asian Studies, both at Leiden University.
While rightly central to the story of the Second World War in the Asia-Pacific, our conventional focus on the story of the atom bombs also tends to obscure how the war—and the war’s end—was experienced by the vast majority of people most affected by the war: the people of Asia. This includes the story of the war as a showdown between competing colonial powers, and between “East and West.” Dr. Ethan Mark’s lecture will highlight these angles with a focus on the experience of the Netherlands Indies/Indonesia
Meer informatie en aanmelden; https://www.universiteitleiden...
Alle lezingen vinden plaats in:
19.30 - 21.00 uur Zaal 011 Lipsiusgebouw, Cleveringaplaats 1, Leiden.
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