Hōzō Temple: the Moon’s Invention

One Hundred Aspects of the Moon


Titel Hōzō Temple: the Moon’s Invention Hōzō-in tsuki no hatsumei 寶蔵院 つきの發明
Serientitel One Hundred Aspects of the Moon 月百姿
Künstler Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年 (1839–1892)
Datum 6/1891
Herausgeber Akiyama Buemon (Kokkeidō) 秋山武右衛門 (滑稽堂)
Holzschnitzer Yoshihisa 義久
Ort Edo
Unterschrift Yoshitoshi 芳年
Künstler Siegel Kai 魁
Verlagsiegel(s) kokkeidō こっけい堂
Blockschneider-/Druckersiegel(s) Yoshihisa tō 義久刀

明治廿四年六月 日印刷 Meiji nijūyon nen roku gatsu [blanco] nichi insatsu Printed in Meiji year 24 month 6 day [blank]

仝 年仝月 日出版 dōjō nen dōjō gatsu [blanco] nichi shuppan Published in same year same month

日本橋區室町三丁目九番地 Nihonbashi-ku Muromachi-chō 3-chōme 9-banchi (publisher’s address) (partly cropped)

印刷兼発行者 秋山武右衛門 insatsu-ken-hakkōsha Akiyama Buemon printer-and-publisher Akiyama Buemon (completely cropped)

Technik & Material Woodblock print; full colour print; pigment on paper
Format ōban
Objektnummer SH2018-DM-090
Credit line Gift of Muck and Mieke Douma
Herkunft Gifted to the Japan Museum SieboldHuis in April 2018 by Muck and Mieke Douma